Endeavour is a new wonderfully citrusy Hedgerow Hop that is creating a lot of interest and excitement. It has good storage stability.
Flavour and Aroma
Complex blackcurrant, loganberry and spice notes best describe Endeavour’s aroma, with a wonderful grapefruit and lime flavour. It is gentler than Cascade.
Blackcurrant, spicy, citrus.
Bittering Characteristics
With what’s been brewed so far, well rounded and fruity is a good description of its bittering characteristics.
Flavour Intensity
7 /10
Bred at Wye Hops in the UK, this is still on farm trial and has not been released for commercial growing yet. It is a cross between Cascade and a Hedgerow Hop. It is wilt tolerant and appears to be tolerant to powdery and downy mildews.