This grower selection was grown as an ornamental garden plant until 2004 when it was propagated to give a small trial area. A consistently good yield has encouraged the planting of a larger commercial area during the winter of 2014-15.
Flavour and Aroma
Although brewing experience of this new hop variety is limited, ‘Epic’ has been reported to give a very pleasant deep, fruity, berry-like aroma with hints of lemongrass. It is slightly herbal without citrus or floral notes. It makes an excellent main copper hop or a late aroma hop.
Fruity, slightly herbal.
Bittering Characteristics
Well balanced, rounded, mild and fruity.
Flavour Intensity
6 /10
‘Epic’ was found in 1987 as a chance seedling in a hedge adjacent to a hop field at Bourne Farm, Sandhurst, Kent by Chris Nicholas. The field, although growing ‘Wye Target’ at the time, had previously grown ‘Alliance’ and the oil composition of ‘Epic’ strongly suggests that it is a seedling of ‘Alliance’. It is a vigorous tall variety with a heavy yield.