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Northdown’s high oil levels give it a distinctive aroma. It can be used for bittering or late hopping.

Flavour and Aroma

Flavour notes including spicy, fresh, pine, floral and berry; the berry in particular being effective in Mild, Old Ale and Barley Wine.


Spicy, floral, pine.

Bittering Characteristics

Full bodied and well rounded best describes Northdown’s bittering characteristics.

Flavour Intensity

7 /10


Northdown was developed at Wye College in the UK and came into commercial production in the early 1970’s. Northdown is a high yielding, dual-purpose variety with a large and bold cone structure. Northdown has good resistance to downy mildew, but is susceptible to powdery mildew and verticillium wilt. It has very good storage stability.

Hop Analysis

  • Alpha acid 7-10%
  • Beta acid 4-5%
  • Co-Humulone 31%
  • Total Oils 1.2-2.2%
  • Myrcene 25%
  • Humulene 37%
  • Farnesene 1%